






  • 品號:1736979

  • ●肉品選用草飼牛、羊,較一般穀飼牛與羊更
  • ●100?含人工添加、調味、色素、防腐劑
  • ●全內容食物天然性,有效降低糞便異味,改善口臭。
  • ●含多種根莖蔬果配方,富含豐富β-胡蘿蔔素與熱量
  • ●亞麻籽omega-3脂肪酸添加,維持皮膚毛囊必須健康



輕寵食 LIGHT FOOD 輕寵食特色
新鮮美味x營養呈獻 Fresh delicacy x Ample nutrientsDoggy Willie 旗下的 "輕寵食",期望以鮮食的概念來創造單純且簡單的寵物飲食文化。Mix系列還原我們對於食材原始的認識,細膩且便利的居家設定。補充自然纖維與天然營養的攝取。天然乾燥鮮食設計,製作鮮食簡單省時。只需1分鐘! 。感受用料理傳遞快樂與溫暖的無限可能。Designed for home use and rich in natural fiber and nutrition, Mix series redefines your understanding of natural ingredients. Mix series makes cooking easy, bringing you a whole new pet food experience.It takes 1 MINUTE of preparation and your dog can enjoy delicious food by our special formulated and designed natural dry food to simplify the feeding process.定溫烹調x冷凍乾燥 Fixed temperature cooking xFreeze drying70?鮮原料來自台灣。食材採收即運送當地生產製作。以不超過120度的定溫烹調維持食材的純淨養份。使用冷凍乾燥技術,在真空的環境中將水份壓縮揮發,由低壓且零下溫度來避免營養成分分解變質,藉此保留食材的完整與營養。It's a completely new, fresh and unique feeding experience, one that your dogs will love. We ensured that over 70?f ingredients are sourced locally and all of our natural dry food products are manufactured in Taiwan with high-standards of food quality control, less than 120 degrees of fixed-temperature food dehydration technique which maintain the purity of the dry food products. 膳食纖維x低脂輕盈 Dietary fiber x Low fat diet除了透過正餐食用外,也可將將飼料減半搭配輕寵食使用。低卡、低脂設定有效控制愛犬體重。獨特膳食纖維促進腸胃代謝易於吸收與消化,降低糞便臭味。更富含礦物質與維生素,維持機能運作與健康。 Our natural dry food is specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of approximately total dietary fiber and low in fat and calories. These dietary fibers help regulate your dog's metabolism and reduce of dog poo smell, it contains a RICH source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, make your dog stay healthy, weight control and enhance your dog's immune system 美味變化x季節菜單 Diverse recipes x Seasonal menu乾濕兩吃的獨特吃法。可隨季節變化迎合愛犬與您的喜好。依造我們建議的使用量與主食搭配。或發揮您的創意調配,料理出一道道美味的季節菜單。Unique serving style - serve dry or with water, according to your pet's preferences. Experiment, using the instructions on the label as a general guide. Be creative and cook up some surprising seasonal delicacies! 品牌保障Brand WarrantyDoggy Willie產品生產製造環境皆經過HACPP 與ISO2200 認證。100?含人工添加、調味、色素。生產依造人類食品等級規格製作。原料的產地履歷、農藥檢測、SGS檢驗營養與內容分析,是我們維護產品安全的基本責任。Highest Food Quality" is our most priority concern. Doggy Willie's natural dry food facility site has been HACPP and ISO 2200 certified and No artificial additives, flavorings, preservatives and coloring and approved and it is made by the highest standards at a human grade facility site and contains all human grade ingredients, the test description include: Specify ingredients, pesticide test and the task of food testing and analysis by SGS.





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